Monday, July 27, 2015

 Dante baptized by his Grandpa
Getting a Snowie
Hey Everyone!!

This week has been so crazy!! We may of had a high level of stress throughout this week.. but God made everything happen the way it was supposed to. I catch myself at the end of stressful weeks asking myself, "Why did I stress? Everything always works out!" Someday I will get that down(: 

So Dante got baptized this week!! We were so excited for him!! We have MEGA plans to help him towards continual conversion the next couple of weeks! Because as we all know, baptism is NOT the end. In reality its just the beginning. Here are just a few of our plans. We have a lesson in the Lynch families home on Friday. Then another Member home lesson the following week in the Walthers home. He is going to the Indianapolis Temple open house this Friday for a 12pm session. Then family history next Tuesday to get family names to take to the Temple. Then that following Saturday is one of our Mission Temple Trips for recent converts, so he will be going to that too. He is getting the Aaronic priesthood this coming Sunday. President Porter and President Bradley(Stake) Went to our ward council and Sacrament Meeting this Sunday and got to see Dante confirmed! It was awesome! 

I cannot tell you all enough how much I love President Porter! Everyone came up to us after sacrament meeting and told us that we are being trained by one of the best mission Presidents they have ever seen! Or some would say he is going to be one of the next apostles!! I wouldn't doubt it! That man carries such a power with him!!! Most of the members in the Cherry Grove ward have served missions. Most of them are incredibly smart! Most of the members in our ward are doctors. Yet they come up to us and tell us that they have been around many mission Presidents throughout their life and there is no one quite like President Porter!!! I just feel so blessed to be learning from the best! I think I have the best mission!!! This mission is definitely where I was supposed to be!!! I bet everyone thinks that their mission is the best though. But mine is(: haha

Well I hope you all have a  great week! Love ya!

Love always,

Sister Steffani Stokes<3

Monday, July 20, 2015

 Angels watching over our Missionaries
Sunday dinner at a Members home
Hey Everyone!!

So this week has been great! There is just so much Greenie grace! Training is the best, because the Lord truly fills your companions mouth with things that are exactly what the people need to hear! It has been so cool to just stop in lessons, and watch as Sister Hansen goes in for the kill!! Oh I don't think I told you much about Sister Hansen. She is from Kaysville, Utah. However she just recently moved from Parker, Colorado. There are 9 kids in her family and she is the 3rd oldest. She is a beautiful singer and is a musician. She plays a bunch of instruments. SO needless to say, we have been singing to everyone!! It has been a blast! Music really brings in the spirit so strong, and so do testimonies! I love testifying!!

Well I hope everyone has a great week! Love you all!!!

Love always,

Sister Steffani Stokes(:

Monday, July 13, 2015

 Skyline one last time for her
 Sister Davis's last day.. :(
 Sister Davis and I at Transfers
 My first child!! Ahhh
 My new little child! At transfer mtg
 The sisters in our zone at transfers
 Elder Tanner and me at transfers(AP)
 member from muncie!! Sister Boyce
 The Muncie crew!!
 Fairfield crew
Out eating at Jersey mikes after transfers
Hey Everyone!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!! I am not sure if I gave a S/O to Cassidy before.. so HAPPY BIRTHDAY CASSIDY!!!

This week has been so full of miracles! There is just no way I could have time to write all of them though, So I will just get a few..

This week was a real struggle to find. We talked with everyone and the people were just not very receptive. So Sunday at the holy half of the night, last 30 minutes of the day, we stopped and said a prayer to be able to find more people to teach. We go and 2-2-5 and no one is answering their doors. We start walking down the sidewalk and we run into this guy Jeremy. He was just coming from church and was very open to learning more. As we were talking to him another guy walks by us and we stop him and start talking to him too. He knew another investigator we were teaching. So we taught a summary of the restoration and were able to plan a time to see them both again! It was so awesome! At times Sister Hansen would have to focus on one of them and I would have to focus on the other one. It was again another miracle to see our prayer answered immediately as we then went on our way doing all we could to make it happen! God really provides! He answers prayers, and He is so much more involved in the work then we realize. It truly is His work!

Also we have been working with a lady named Tica Bonilla. We got special permission to teach her from President Porter. She isn't in our ward boundaries, but she asked for sisters to teach her so they sent us. SHE IS GETTING BAPTIZED THIS WEEK!!!!!! We are so excited for her!! Last Thursday is when we got her on date for this Thursday. When I extended her date she quickly got in her kitchen and started fiddling with things in the cupboard. She pulls out a glass jar that had brown powder on the bottom. on an earlier visit she told us that she was just going to finish her jar of coffee and then be done completely. So she asked me if she needed to be done with it right now. I said yes. She immediately began dumping the remaining powder in the trashcan!! Wow! It was moving! The spirit in the room at that moment was so strong! She is so determined to live the commandments. We have also been working with her on quitting smoking. She has moved to an e-cig and when we saw her on Thursday she told us that she completely took out the nicotine in her e-cig. Its just watermelon flavored water. It is just the habit of bringing something up to her mouth constantly that she is working on quitting. She is so amazing! It has truly been a privilege being able to teach her the past couple of weeks to work towards this date! 

Dante is another investigator we have been working with. He came to church Yesterday and is working towards the baptism date of the 25th this month! He is the Bauers grandson. He has significantly changed within the past couple of weeks working with him too! Brother Bauer made a comment on that. 

So many miracles! I honestly cannot even begin to guess on how many we have seen this week!! There are so many more, sorry I don't have time to write them all!

Love always,

Sister Steffani Stokes<3

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Monday, July 6, 2015

 4 1/2 months ago

 4 1/2 months later

 us again(: Love those Sunday mornings with sister tolle delivering breakfast to gators

 I love the Reds!!

 Philippian food!
 Pinterest Perfect
 Our 3rd of July meal! haha

 Sister Tolle <3

 He lost a bet with someone.. hahaha

 Our Zone!!
 On the shuttle to get to our parade float down the road(:
 Helping with the float!


 The hives all over my body.. EEEEK!
 Found this in one of the members cars.. hahaha

 My swollen hand... I had an emergency room trip at like 10:30.. a couple weeks ago, but I am good(:
 Driven in the OHIA!
 the church parking lot
 Watching fireworks on our back deck while 
 trying to move the trailer by hand.. its our handcart! Hahaha
 Our lunch!!
Our awesome district that changing a ton this transfer!! :(
Watching fireworks on our back deck while having our zone family prayer!