I didn't get to write yesterday because we had a sisters conference. It was so good, so much revo! I love my mission President so much, he is such a powerful speaker and has the spirit with him so strong! I just wanted to say good luck to Benson and Kaylin! You two will be amazing missionaries!! Go change the world! (:
Yesterday at church Gabby bore her testimony! It was so powerful, and most of the ward looked like they were in tears! Afterwards everyone was coming up to her and hugging her and giving her handshakes and told her just how much her testimony touched their hearts! I was just watching this happen and my joy was over the brim! The whole ward is now reaching out to our investigator, and that is exactly what she needed! It was just really powerful, and a spiritual experience I will never forget. I just love Gabby, she is going to make such a difference in the world. She is getting baptized this weekend! This will be my first baptism!! I am so glad it will be her too! She expressed to us as well that she really wants to serve a mission too! Gods work is definitely hastening, and I am so grateful I get the privilege to be a tool in His great hand!
Not much time to write today, but have a great week!
Love always,
Sister Steffani Stokes
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